Environment & safety policy


As the environment comes under continuous and growing threat, there are implications for the earth’s climate, sea levels, biodiversity, public health and global food supplies. Additionally, our society demands responsibility for preventing pollution at sea.

Our goal is to sustain and do everything we can in our everyday operation and planned development to prevent pollution at sea and ensure the environment does not suffer. Our target is our people to adopt environment-friendly mentality and social responsibility on environmental matters.


Our policy is to comply with all the applicable international environmental standards. All our operating procedures go beyond the standards set by international laws and regulations and we have implemented management systems to embody and manage our commitment to quality and environmental protection.


Our priority is all products provided to our Company (offices and vessels) to be environmental friendly and recyclable, where possible and feasible. We also use environmental friendly or recyclable packaging material and we encourage the elimination of use of packaging material, where practicable. Finally we use techniques, where practicable, which enhance energy efficiency and reduce impact on climate change.


Our main goal is to comply with all applicable international safety standards and to provide a safe working environment to our employees through documented practices.

We employ only trained, qualified and competent personnel and we promote a safety culture through a defined and communicated framework among our employees.